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Our Mission

To put more treasure in your chest by providing expert advice about the hobby of metal detecting.

What We Do

At Second Star Hobbies, we believe that the best treasure that we find are the people who we meet along the way. Our goal is to introduce as many people as possible to the hobby of metal detecting. It is our intent to offer expert advice about metal detecting, and provide honest reviews of metal detectors and related equipment on our website, as well as on platforms such as YouTube. We hope that you find the content that we provide to be helpful, intuitive, and above and beyond all; honest and accurate.

About Mike

Mike started metal detecting back in 2015 and immediately fell in love with the hobby. Mike’s “relentless pursuit of coins” as he puts it, led him to quickly become an expert user of some of the most popular metal detectors on the market. Mike spent a lot of time scouring the Internet looking for information about metal detecting for beginners. Although he found bits and pieces of advice scattered around some of the metal detecting forum sites, he was disappointed that there wasn’t a “one stop shop” for people who were new to the hobby of metal detecting. Mike decided to start a metal detecting blog for beginners. Here’s what Mike has to say about Second Star Hobbies.

“My overall goal for this website is to provide information and advice about metal detecting to people who are brand new to the hobby. I’ve learned a lot about metal detecting these past 5 years, and I want to take my knowledge and pass it on to others while the memories of my learning experiences are still fresh in my mind. There is a lot to this hobby, and the dizzying array of metal detectors and related equipment to choose from can lead to confusion and frustration for newer detectorists. Everyone has a first day, and trust me; you will get a lot more enjoyment out of metal detecting when you head out into the field with good advice, and even better equipment! 

If metal detecting were easy, everyone would do it! Imagine if all that anyone needed to do in order to line their pockets with silver coins and jewelry was to grab a metal detector off of a department store shelf, head into a park for a half hour or so, dig a few holes, and call it a day. Metal detecting is challenging, but it’s the challenge that makes it worth it! I sincerely hope that you enjoy using my website, and I wish you all of the best luck out in the field!” 

Mike introduces the hobby of metal detecting to his little boy.